Blogging + Pinterest Marketing for Wedding Professionals

 so you can book even more amazing couples.

Engaging, Beautiful, On-Brand Content that captures who you are (and what you're about)

It takes time to build the strategy that’s right for you, but you can fully entrust your marketing to us knowing that we 1) understand the wedding industry from our extensive work with clients, 2) are good at getting results that add up to inquiries, and 3) make it where you can hand off your marketing long-term and know it’s getting done, hands off the wheel.

As a wedding pro that juggles a million and one things, you know you need to get your blogging and Pinterest game going, but where do you start?

But marketing for your wedding business isn’t as easy as they make it sound. You listen to all the podcasts and follow along on socials, but you’re strapped for time and less-than-excited to DIY.

You know you could spend time learning the ‘how’, but if you’re honest, your time is better spent elsewhere – Leading your business, booking more couples, and spending time on what matters most (not creating more content).

(Seriously, you wouldn’t change a thing.)

who loves what you do. 

You’re an exceptional elopement professional

We don’t just take marketing off your plate – we strategically plan, write, and publish with purpose. Everything we create for you is guided by intention, metrics, and strategy. 

We love collaborating with creative wedding pros and being strategic on your behalf so you can focus on being an artist, instead of worrying about techy stuff like SEO keywords or the storytelling aspect that goes into each post and pin.

Discover how we can become an extension of your team and help you build powerful connections with couples who are on the search for what you do.

without writing, pinning, or posting yourself.

Imagine attracting clients through blogging and Pinterest

Get in touch

Retainer Blogging begins at $700/month, but clients often spend between $800 to $1,200/month. Inquire for details on pricing

Portfolio blogging, where we create content around your weddings, and evergreen blogging, posts that are more educational in style. We usually recommend that clients do a hybrid of both portfolio and evergreen blogging, especially if you’re new to outsourcing your blogs.

Love the sound of blogging, but not ready to commit to a monthly retainer? Then our copy only blogs are the perfect choice! Blog posts can be purchased individually or as a set and are based on availability. Once your content is delivered, all you have to do is plug and play. 

Sometimes blogs need a little extra love. Our blog revamp service will help get your blogs back up to their peak performance. We'll help you decide which posts are in need of an update and then perform an audit, making all the necessary changes along the way. 

There are a few ways to work with us on blogging for your business:

Not only does it help you get found on Google, but it also places your content in front of couples who are planning epic elopements and searching for talented professionals like yourself. What could be better?!

Instead of taking precious time to write your own blogs or trying to guess what keywords go where, hand off your blogging to us. We write in your voice, perform in-depth keyword research and optimization, and draft the content on your website so all you have to do is give us the green light to hit publish.

Blogging is a long game but a lasting strategy for your business.

For a wedding pro, there’s nothing quite like sharing your unique point of view and picturesque, destination-driven weddings via your blog. 


Either way, blogging is among the best ways that wedding pros can market themselves, and we’re here to support you in doing just that. All blogging services include…
  • Questionnaires to gather crucial information
  • SEO keyword research
  • Branded blog copy, and so much more!


A Pinterest audit or account setup could be more your speed. Starting at $300, this one-time investment will give you just what you need to get started on Pinterest. Take on pinning yourself, or come back when you’re ready for monthly services.

Not ready for Pinterest management just yet?

Pinterest management begins at $395/month, but clients often spend between $395 to $695/month. Inquire for details on pricing.

It takes some time, but once things get going, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how many couples will reach out because they found you on Pinterest. (Hint: it’s happened many times before for our clients, just hit up our results page for proof!)

All Pinterest services include…
  • Fresh pins created + scheduled monthly
  • Custom graphics designed in Canva 
  • Keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • Strategy + reporting
  • … and so much more!

Note: All clients must book blogging services first or at the same time as Pinterest management services. We get the best results for you when we combine blogging and Pinterest together!

No joke, Pinterest is the way to get traffic and inquiries in your literal sleep.

We’ll fully take on the management of your Pinterest account – no guesswork or what-if-ing required.

Imagine your lively, engaging content and beautiful client weddings popping up in searches for your ideal clients all the time. You could be reaching hundreds (if not thousands) of your kind of people while you’re working with couples, catching some Z’s, spending time with loved ones, or traveling on your weekends. 


Instead of trying to design graphics to match your blogs, finding the images that will perform well, and throwing darts at the proverbial board when it comes to keywords, let us step in.

You’ve heard the hype around Pinterest: all the amazing couples you want to reach are there! Naturally, you should be, too. Still, Pinterest is its own ballgame and it can be a time-consuming one, at that. 



Prices starting at $150/submission

Now, you can have publication submission fully taken off your plate so you can get published in wedding media – and get those ‘as seen in’ badges on your website (not to mention backlinks, more authority, and yet more avenues to attract dreamy couples) – without doing all the legwork.

With this service, we not only research which publications could be game-changers for you, but also collect all the info for the event, cull images, and submit the wedding for publication. Talk about fully hands-off!

You have a bank of incredible weddings that so deserve to be published, and we can help you get the word out to couples who are actively searching for wedding pros.

Wish you could have your dreamy weddings published in top wedding media? 

Wedding Publication Submission


Kristen Petkovich

David Gomar

Nassim Pezeshkzad

"You NEED Kiersten in your life. As a solo photographer running my business as well as maintaining another job, being a mom, wife and human who likes to have a bit of a life, I can’t stress how valuable having Kiersten has been. I hired her for Pinterest + Blogging which I previously was not doing at all, and she has been a rockstar. Kiersten is worth every penny and I’m so glad to have her a part of my team. She has made managing my business easier, and I couldn’t do it all without her. Thank you times a million!!!"

“As a wedding photographer who juggles so many things, I struggled in getting my Pinterest game going, but thankfully Kiersten was there to take over and do it in a way that I would never be able to do on my own! She has done an amazing job in increasing views and traffic through the pins she created. She listens carefully to everything you say, and from the first interaction, you can feel that she cares about making your business succeed just as much as you do. Thank you so much Kiersten for all your care and support! You're awesome.”

“Kiersten’s writing skills are seriously impressive – she quickly took all of my scattered thoughts and turned them into well-organized and captivating blog posts that really speak to my audience. She took the time to get to know me and my brand so that the posts are tailored to my specific goals and style. She's always super responsive, professional, and just an all-around great human being. It's clear that she really cares about my success and is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure I'm happy with the final product.”

of the wedding industry and create content that directly leads to bookings.

Our clients love that we understand the ins and outs

While we love giving you your life back so you can get to the stuff you like in your business (instead of spending hours blogging and pinning), we’re even more excited about the results clients see from working with us.

The results are even better.

The experience is great.

more results

Every client is different, but know this: when you work with Sonder Studio, you’ll get so much more than your time back. You’ll discover that your ideal clients are not only out there, but they’re searching for you right now.

  • Booking dream clients from pins on Pinterest
  • Getting weddings published in top wedding media
  • 1 million+ monthly impressions on Pinterest
  • 3k+ outbound clicks to their website 
  • Growing SEO queries and traffic every month

(Hint: these are real results from actual clients)...

Imagine a little bit of this in your business 

Inquire right here

Quarterly, we’ll check in to hone the strategy, make any adjustments, and stay aware of any changes in your business.

Step 04.

From here, it will be mostly hands off but with a little bit of collaboration.

If you’re a blogging client, we’ll send you a monthly questionnaire to collect the info we’ll need to research, write, and schedule your blogs. We’ll send you a complete draft via the backend of your website for you to approve or request edits before publishing.

For Pinterest, we’ll gather photos and info from your website. We’ll touch base each month with a monthly report that includes performance stats and areas of focus for the following month.

Step 03.

With your questionnaire in hand, we’ll hop on a call to review and discuss the strategy we’ll implement through blogs, Pinterest, publications, or a mix of all the above. At this time, we will collect logins and details while making a timeline for receiving materials and getting your blogs over to you.

Step 02.

After you sign your contract to work together, we’ll get you onboarded with a detailed questionnaire to better understand your goals, target clients, brand voice, and style.

Step 01.

 So, what does it look like  to work together?


01  /  07

If you’re a wedding pro, it’s right for you. Here’s why: your ideal clients are over on Pinterest planning their dream elopements right now (literally, as you’re reading this!). If you’re popping up in search results for their favorite locations or photography styles, odds are just that much better they’ll fall in love with your photos and inquire. Blogging is so key to getting found on both Google and Pinterest. When you have content that’s optimized to show up in search, that’s more traffic, more people, and more opportunities for you to make the best first impression.

How do I know if blogging and Pinterest marketing is right for my business?

02  /  07

Short answer: it’s hard to get going on Pinterest without any blogs. While we get that some people want to take on their own blogging, we find that even with the best intentions, it’s difficult to find time as a wedding pro. When you have to be in so many places at once, it can be a challenge to brainstorm, write, schedule, and share content in a timely, consistent manner. That’s why we don’t allow our clients to book Pinterest services without blogging. It’s because 1) you’ll have the content you need to do well on Pinterest and 2) clients get the BEST results by either starting with blogging (SEO, anyone?) or combining with Pinterest. 

Why do I need to start with blogging services? Can I book Pinterest marketing by itself?

03  /  07

Yes! On our initial call, we’ll get into which blogging and Pinterest services would be best for you and combine them into a customized proposal. 

Do you have a package that includes blogging and Pinterest?

04  /  07

Yes! In fact, we require that you do so before you can book Pinterest management services. Having us take over blogging means that you’ll have a direct way to create high-value content for your couples, rank for specific queries on Google, and intentionally reach people through your stories, advice, and client experience.

Can I start with blogging first?

05  /  07

Yes! We are all about getting to know you, understanding your business, and embodying your brand voice and vibe. We do this by having you fill out a questionnaire, hop on calls with us, and by sharing existing materials we can review to get a read on how you talk and phrase things.

We have a comprehensive questionnaire that I will send to you during the onboarding process to gather information on your style, tone, and voice. I’ll also go through your previous blogs, social media, and website copy to get a feel for your voice. Then, when we are ready to start a blog, I will provide you with an outline to fill out during the content gathering process. The more information you can give, the better and more in-voice the blog post will be. Just know this process can take time and it may take a few blog posts to get the voice just right!

Will the blog posts you write sound like me?

06  /  07

We offer both 6- and 12-month contracts. Blogging and Pinterest marketing are both long-term strategies and it can take a few months for us to see results. Most of our clients stay with us for years not just because we’re great to work with but also because the results are there when we collaborate long-term.

How long does our initial contract need to be?

07  /  07

Our wedding publication services are a bit unique in that we do not require a monthly retainer. Simply inquire and let us know how many you would like to purchase. 

During the onboarding process, we will send you a questionnaire to complete with all of the information we need to submit your work. If you have a specific publication in mind, feel free to let us know, otherwise, we have a list of digital and print magazines that we can submit to based on what we believe will be the best fit. We will then cull the photos, draft the submission, and submit on your behalf.

In the event the publication does not accept your submission, we will submit to one additional publication company at no charge.  

How do wedding publication services work?

Asked Questions



couples you want to book more of.

There’s a better way to reach the 

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