7 Ideas for What to Write in a Real Wedding Blog Post

Blogging Tips

Have you ever sat down to write a blog post and found yourself looking at a blinking cursor (I’ll be the first to raise my hand!)? Maybe you find yourself continually putting off blogging even though you know you need to blog consistently to reach your marketing goals. It’s just that every time you sit down to write, the words won’t come out or you’re not sure what to say. If so, then this post is for you. There are a lot of things you can write about when it comes to blogging a real wedding and today, I’m sharing 7 ideas for what to write in a real wedding blog post! 

7 Ideas for What to Write in a Real Wedding Blog Post

Share the couple’s story

If you are going to blog about a real wedding or elopement, it’s only natural to talk about the couple. After all, they are the stars of the whole event! 

In this first section, share a little bit about their love story. 

  • How did they meet?
  • What details brought them together or were important to them when building their relationship? 
  • How did they get engaged?

This information is a great way to kick off your wedding blog post as it helps set the foundation and allows your readers to get to know the couple.

*Pro Tip – You don’t have to go into a lot of detail in this section. Keep it short and sweet, but be sure to focus on any details of the relationship that were incorporated into the wedding day.

Describe the events of the day

This is the part where you can share how the day flowed. Think through the wedding or elopement day timeline and highlight the most important aspects. 

  • When and where did the day take place? Highlight the location, venue, season, etc.
  • Were there any unique moments that stood out?
  • What made those moments special?
  • Did the couple include any personal touches or meaningful details?

*Pro Tip – To really tap into the heart of the day and tell a story, focus on the emotions that were present throughout the day. Share the couple’s why behind it all.

Describe details about the location or venue

Does this event take place at a venue or location you have worked at hundreds of times before or one that was completely brand new? Whether it’s a brand new location or one you’re super familiar with, take some time to highlight what you loved about the location or what made it special to the couple.

You can share why the couple chose this particular place to get married or what sets it apart from other locations. Especially if this is a spot you want to shoot at more, hype it up and share as many details about it as possible.

Talk about how you helped the couple

It’s ok to brag a little. After all, this is your blog. Share how you helped the couple. Maybe it was finding backup locations to account for the weather. Maybe you have lots of experience at a particular venue or location and have some insights that most people aren’t aware of. Whatever it was, it’s ok to share that. Potential clients want to know how you can help them. By sharing how you helped your past clients, you position yourself as a trustworthy expert who focuses on creating a positive client experience.

Share the client’s review

Client reviews are one of the best ways to market yourself and your business! A review from your past clients can help give potential clients so much insight into what it’s like to work with you. 

If your client left you a review after their wedding day, then share it on their wedding blog post! This can help reiterate what made the experience special, position you as the expert, and build trust with your audience.

List all wedding vendors

Highlighting the other vendors who helped make this day possible is something you want to share on every real wedding blog post. Linking to other vendors has a few benefits such as: 

  • It is good etiquette to give proper credit 
  • External links improve your SEO score
  • It gives potential couples ideas for other vendors they can work with if they want a similar experience
  • It can help build vendor relationships

This section doesn’t have to include a writeup. You can simply make a list of all the names of vendors that were involved and link to their website.

*Pro Tip – Don’t forget to include your name in the list of wedding vendors. Even though it is your blog, some people may have found you through another website or referral and may not be familiar with you or your work. 

Include any closing sections

While your closing sections aren’t specific to any single wedding, they are still very valuable sections to add to your blog posts. Here are two sections you can consider adding to your blog posts. 


This section gives a brief overview of the different packages you offer. You can customize this section to include packages for a specific location (ie – Washington elopement packages) or provide a general overview of the different size packages you offer (ie – full day, two-day, etc.). 


Introduce yourself and your team if you have one. Include a brief snippet of who you are, what you do, and who (or where) you serve. 

*Pro Tip – You don’t have to rewrite these sections every single time you create a new post. They can be canned sections that you use over and over again. Just remember to swap out any keywords about your blog post, if applicable.

BONUS: Share a helpful planning tip

Surprise! I have one more idea for what to write in a real wedding blog post. You can take your wedding blog post a step further by sharing a helpful tip (or tips). I recommend including tips that relate to the rest of your blog. For instance, if you’re a planner or photographer and your couple decided to invite guests to their elopement, you can share a few ideas to consider when eloping with loved ones. Or, if you’re a florist, share a few ideas on how to choose flowers based on your wedding season.

A real wedding blog has the potential to do more than share the day’s events. You can provide even more value to your readers by sharing helpful tips they can incorporate into their day. Plus, sharing tips is another great way to utilize your main keyword!

4 Tips for Writing a Real Wedding Blog Post

Ask your clients to write for you

Ok, hear me out. I am not asking you to ask your clients to write your entire blog post for you (that would be crazy, right?).  

If writing simply feels too difficult, there is a way to have a majority of it done for you that doesn’t require using AI or outsourcing (but hey, I’m all for outsourcing if that’s what you want to do – wink, wink!). You can ask your couples to write a portion of it for you. But how?

During the planning process, jot down some notes after your client calls or add a few questions to the wedding/elopement questionnaires you send out to your couples prior to their wedding day. You can include questions like: 

  • How/where did you meet?
  • How/where did you get engaged?
  • What is your wedding vision?
  • How did you decide on your venue/location?
  • What are you most excited about getting married?
  • What advice would you give to other couples?

You get the idea. Most couples love sharing the vision behind their ideas. By asking for this information ahead of time, you can help make the blog writing process SO much easier!

Tell a story

Humans love stories! It’s one of the ways we connect. The most powerful wedding blog posts are the ones that tell a story and connect with readers. Don’t just state the facts from the wedding day. Find a way to share the heart of the day and evoke emotion.

Write how you speak

That being said, it’s also important to be yourself! Don’t try to use fancy words or speak in a way that’s not authentic. Write how you speak. Use words that you normally use when you talk. Don’t try to be anyone else but yourself. 

Record an audio file 

I love this tip and think it’s a genius way to get unstuck if you have writer’s block. For some people, speaking is a lot easier than writing so recording a voice memo can be a great way to organize your thoughts. 

Once you’ve recorded your audio, you can transcribe it so all you have to do is edit the text and organize it on your blog. My favorite audio transcriber is Go Transcribe.

*Pro Tip – Record a voice memo on your way home from the wedding/elopement. This way the details will still be fresh in your mind. 

I’m willing to bet that now you can easily come up with 300 words or more for your blog posts. I hope this guide gave you lots of ideas of what to write in a real wedding blog post. Sharing stories, emotions, and helpful tips, not only makes your blog interesting to read, but also allows you to connect with your audience, build trust, and create connection. And, of course, don’t forget to follow SEO best practices anytime you create a new blog post.

Are you still struggling to write your own real wedding blog posts? That’s ok. That’s what our team is here for! Click on the link below to inquire and offload blogging.

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