How to Know if Investing in Pinterest is Right For You

Recently, I was scrolling through a Facebook group and saw a photographer ask, “Is Pinterest marketing worth it?” They wanted to know whether or not outsourcing their Pinterest marketing was worth the money and if it was still a successful marketing platform. 

That question got me thinking…as a wedding pro, no doubt, you have been told that you should be marketing your business on Pinterest (after all, that’s where clients go to plan, right?). While it’s true that Pinterest is the #1 source of initial wedding inspiration for couples, you may only have a limited amount of time to spend on marketing or dollars to allocate toward outsourcing. So how do you know where to focus your efforts and which ones will yield the best results? 

Well, today on the blog I want to answer these questions. I’ll be covering topics like, who should be utilizing Pinterest, whether or not Pinterest is still worth the money, and when you should start investing in Pinterest marketing. So if you’ve found yourself asking these questions, then keep scrolling, because this is one blog post you won’t want to miss!

What is Pinterest Marketing?

First things first, what is Pinterest marketing? Pinterest marketing is simply sharing your business content on the platform and linking that content to pages on your website, in order to drive traffic. 

A common misconception is that Pinterest is a social media platform. In fact, though, it is a search engine – a place people go to look for ideas and inspiration. Much more than that though, it is a powerful marketing tool for businesses. When used correctly, Pinterest can help increase brand awareness and engagement and drive traffic to your website. 

What are the Benefits of Using Pinterest?

There are lots of benefits to using Pinterest. Here are just a few: 

More exposure

Pinterest is a great place to show off your best work! The way the platform works is the more pins you create, the more Pinterest will push your content out giving your business even more exposure. 

Drive traffic to your website 

Any time you create a pin on Pinterest, it should always link to a relevant page on your website. When a viewer clicks on the URL link in the pin, they’ll be directed to your website which is the ultimate goal. 

Boost your SEO

If you’re already consistently blogging (which I highly recommend doing first), marketing your business on Pinterest will only help boost your SEO. Quality pins with clear titles and descriptions and proper keywords will help you not only boost your Pinterest SEO but also lead to higher rankings on Google. 

Want to learn how to create Pinterest descriptions? Click here to learn more.

Diversify your marketing channels

Ever heard the saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” Well, that is true for small business marketing as well. Marketing your business on Pinterest gives you another platform to reach potential customers. Instead of just relying on Instagram or your website, by marketing your business on Pinterest you diversify your marketing efforts and create a well-rounded marketing strategy. 

Evergreen content

Have you ever spent hours creating content for social media only to have it perform poorly and be swept under the rug by the algorithm gods? It’s frustrating, to say the least. The great thing about Pinterest marketing is that the pins you create on Pinterest have a much longer shelf life than posts on social media (we’re talking at least 3-4 months if not years!). How’s that for ROI? 

Want to learn more about using Pinterest for Business as a wedding pro? Check out the blog below!

Who Should Utilize Pinterest? 

Pinterest is a great marketing platform for wedding professionals! Couples are already searching the platform for ideas and inspiration for their wedding meaning the opportunity is there. But just because your business can benefit from marketing on Pinterest, doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be doing it. At least not you have a few other fundamental items in place. 

When Is the Right Time to Invest in Pinterest Marketing? 

When you have identified your target audience and your goals 

As with anything in marketing, you need to know your goals so you can create a plan. Do you know what you hope to achieve by using the platform? Maybe you want to establish or grow your brand presence. Maybe you want to find another way to engage with your audience. Or maybe you want to drive traffic to your website and get more leads. No matter what your goals are, spend some time thinking about what they are so you know what results you’re looking for and how to measure your success. 

When you are already consistently blogging 

Whenever I have someone inquire about outsourcing Pinterest marketing, the first question I always ask is “What does your current blogging strategy look like?” 

To get visitors to your site, your pins need to contain a link to your website and preferably be “fresh” (meaning the links aren’t being reused over and over again). Having a consistent blog is the best way to ensure you continue to have fresh content and new links to share. 

When you can dedicate your efforts to creating content consistently

Again, consistency is key here. To get the best results on Pinterest, you need to share content regularly. Throwing up a couple of pins after you publish a blog post and then not posting again for a few weeks isn’t going to yield you very good results. At the least, you need to share at least one pin per day (Pinterest has a built-in scheduling feature which makes this a breeze). 

Want to Know all the Pinterest Best Practices, Tips, and Tricks? Download my free guide!

When you have enough money in your marketing budget

On the other hand, if you don’t have time to dedicate to marketing on Pinterest yourself, you may want to consider hiring someone who specializes in Pinterest marketing (hint, I know a Pinterest pro who can help). 

Should you choose to go this route, you will want to make sure that you have enough money in your marketing budget to outsource for a few months. Just like Google, Pinterest SEO is a long game, not an overnight success. It’s not uncommon for it to take a few months to find and develop a strategy that works. At Sonder Studio, we work with our clients for a minimum of 6 months, making tweaks to the strategy each month as needed. 

How Much Does Pinterest Marketing Cost?

The great thing about marketing on Pinterest is that it is completely free! All you need to do is set up a Pinterest business account and start pinning! 

If you are looking to outsource your Pinterest marketing, how much it costs is going to depend on a number of things from how much experience the person has to the scope of work. In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $300-$1,000+ for Pinterest marketing services. 

What can I expect for my Pinterest ROI?

If you’re wondering what type of ROI you can expect on your Pinterest marketing, the answer is going to depend on your business goals and how much you can invest. Every account is going to have different audiences and get different results, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer. With the right foundation and the proper strategies in place though, you can feel confident that you are on your way to reaching your business goals (and if you’ve ever found yourself wondering if wedding pros really do get inquiries because of Pinterest, check out our results page to see actual results from real clients!).

So, is Pinterest marketing worth it? Yes! By investing in Pinterest marketing you’ll get even more eyes on your business, drive traffic to your website, and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Before investing in Pinterest though, be sure to have a solid foundation in blogging as your website will be the key to helping ensure success on Pinterest.

Ready to start working with a Pinterest marketing pro?

Check out our other Pinterest Marketing Resources

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